
Egyptian Gods

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Egyptian Gods

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Upper Egyptian Nomes and Their Deities | Egyptian Gods Groupings

Egyptian Gods Sobek and Horus at Kom Ombo. Egypt
Nome - Name - Location (modern) - Major Egyptian Gods

1 Ta-Seti - First cataract to north of Gebel el-Silsila - Khnum, Satis, Anukis, Isis, Horus the Elder, Sobek.

2 Throne of Horus - Region of Edfu - Horus

3 Shrine - Kom el-Ahmar to north of Esna - Horus, Nekhbet, Khnum, Neith

4 Sceptre - Region of Armant and Luxor - Amun, Mut, Khonsu, Montu, Buchis, Sobek

5 Two Falcons - Region of Qift - Min, Seth

6 Crocodile - Region of Dendera - Hathor

7 Sistrum - Region of Hiw - Bat

8 Great Land - Region of Abydos and Ghirga - Khentamentiu, Osiris, Onsuris

9 Min - Region of Akhmim - Min

10 Cobra - Region of Qaw el-Kebir - Seth, Mihos, Nemtywy

11 Seth - Region of Deir Rifa - Seth

12 Viper Mount - Region of Deir el-Gebrawi opposite Asyut - Nemty

13 Upper Sycamore and Viper - Region of Asyut - Wepwawet, Anubis

14 Lower Sycamore and Viper - Region of Meir and el-Qusiya - Hathor

15 Hare - Region of el-Amarna, el-Ashmunein and el-Bersha - Thoth, Ogdoad, Aten

16 Oryx - From Beni Hassan to north of el-Minya - Pakhet, Khnum

17 Jackal - Region of Samalut - Anubis

18 Namty - Region of el-Hiba to opposite el-Lahun - Nemty

19 Two Scepters - From el Bahnasa to Biba - Seth, Mormyrus fish

20 Southern Sycamore - Region of Beni Suef - Heryshef

21 Northern Sycamore - Region of el-Wasta and Medium - Khnum, Senefru

22 Knife - From Atfih to region of Dahshur - Hathor

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