
Egyptian Gods

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Egyptian Gods

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Male Anthropomorphic Egyptian Gods: Sia / Saa

Sia was the personification of perception and could b said to be the equivalent of the 'heart' of mind of the god Ptah which underlay creation in the Memphite theology. According to myth, Sia, like Hu - the god personifying spoken command or utterance - came into existence from drops of blood spilled from the cult phallus of the sun god Ra. Hu also might be equated with the spoken creative word of Ptah, so that just as Ptah created everything through the two aspects of mind and word, the two deities Sia and Hu form a dyad which would seem to represent the same aspects of the mind and word of Ra. Usually depicted in anthropomorphic form, during the Old Kingdom Sia was visualized as a kind of divine functionary who stood at the right side of Ra and held the god's sacred papyrus scroll. In the New Kingdomo too, Sia was depicted, along with Hu and other Egyptian gods, accompanying the sun god in his underworld barque, as in a number of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

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